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Clinton Noell

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    Clinton Noell

    3 years, 7 months ago

    Feeels like my heads on fire,
    Smoke a HU$H joint and I get inspired,
    About to burn all your records,
    Somebody got a lighter? (SOMEBODY GOT A LIGHTER?!)
    Help Us Save Humanity,
    In only God we Trust,
    Help Us Save Humanity,because they want to enslave us!
    This is not the end of us,
    Now it’s time to build our trust and help our neighbors again.
    And the future we face would make us fall on our face, we can’t let them win,
    Help Us Save Humanity
    Together we will Staaand
    Help Us Save Humanity
    Secure our Liberty’s on this land.
    You think it’s that hard to buck?
    You think the system even gives a fuck? About you? about me?
    I think it’s easy to see,
    You got to decentralize,
    And not be dependent on the G.
    They are a public threat,
    Turn the media on you,
    Make you their household pet.
    Scewss me Karen, no need to get upset
    Got your natzi undies on and your fed up with tha shet?! Shit, whatever, we might as well forget her, forgot her it’s a better place without her, I thought I couldn’t get rid of her I’d have to kick her in the South door, Man!, IT’S MAME! Sorry man.

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About Me

Clinton Alexander Noell

No Label songwriter

I was writing songs during my youth in High school and one day I had a conversation with a rich kid in my class about who can be successful in this world and who cannot. He told me he was about to quit a class at Vot-ech we were in and I asked him why? He explained,"He doesn't have to work a day in his life", his Dad is a Producer for the Sick Puppies". I told him I was a hit song writer but I don't know anyone with a band. I don't know if I'll ever sing these songs, but it would be cool to hear them on the radio.

The next day I didn't see him at Vo-tech. All my lyrics were missing out of my desk.

Shortly after I started hearing my songs play on the radio (Sick Puppies: One of Us is Going Down) and on CD (Pro-Pain: Foul Taste of Freedom)

From then on, I knew I had a talent very few people have.

I found out about Rockefeller Institute Foundation Lockstep2010 and immediately started going to work on my lyrics and spreading them to various Artists. Long story short I became a "Culture Jammer" for lack of a better word for it. I tried my writing skills in Movie screenplays and that also worked. Don't expect me to ever receive credit for any of this. I remain private for a reason. I've only met 1 of the Artists I've written for, and I can tell you, they will never concede that I wrote anything for them. That wasn't my intention to begin with, so it would be obsurd to start now.

Legend Has It!



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