Google Fonts

400: Too many fonts requested for Internet Explorer

Please request fewer web fonts for Internet Explorer or only the fonts which are used on this page. Older versions of Internet Explorer block and download ALL requested web fonts, whether they are used or not.

Requested (7) web fonts: Family{name=ABeeZee, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v22} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Abel, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v18} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Abril Fatface, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v23} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Aclonica, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v23} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Permanent Marker, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v16} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Russo One, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v16} (style: normal, weight: 400),Family{name=Schoolbell, foundry=Google, namespace=api, version=v18} (style: normal, weight: 400)

For reference, see the Google Fonts API documentation.

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A green background with white letters and an orange dollar sign.


FOUNDED IN 2019 With Aspirations of engaging in the community as a Humanitarian Brand! Commited to making a positive wave in the right direction! We are dedicated to changing todays current state! Whether its Beach Clean-ups, Food Drives, Recycling and planting- clothing and housing the homeless or simple education of self sustaining methods to lower our Carbon Footprint!

Our Projected Goals

Imagine a world where the entire cannabis industry contributes just 2% of its proceeds to address homelessness. With California’s annual cannabis sales reaching $4.4 billion in 2020, 2% of that ($88 million) could fund the creation of 88,000 self-sustained mobile housing units, also known as H.U.$.H. Homes. These innovative housing solutions, projected to cost around $1,000 per unit, could provide shelter for 80,000 to 100,000 people annually–all by allocating a small fraction of the industry’s profits.

Here’s the reality: if a company can spend $20,000 on corporate events or functions, it should be able to make the same commitment to humanity. Together, we can redefine corporate responsibility and create lasting change.

If you are involved in manufacturing, construction, or any industry that could contribute to this mission, we need you. With blueprints ready, all we need are the materials and the hands to build these homes. Let’s turn compassion into action–join us in creating a brighter future.

Recycling Program: A Simple Change, Big Impact

What if recycling bins were installed at every gas station? This small step could achieve two major goals:

  1. Increase recycling rates: Making recycling convenient encourages more participation.
  2. Empower the homeless: Providing easy access to recyclables allows individuals to earn income while maintaining dignity, eliminating the need to rummage through dumpsters.

This initiative is a win-win for the planet and the community. Let’s make it happen.

Our Self-Sustaining Commitment

As a team, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and embracing sustainable living. During lockdown, we witnessed the staggering volume of waste generated from food deliveries–trash that’s harming our planet at an alarming rate. To combat this, we turned to our horticultural expertise to grow our own food.

The results?

  • Healthier living: Growing fresh, organic food eliminates the need for GMO-laden products.
  • Minimal waste: By skipping takeout and packaging, we drastically reduced our trash output.
  • Cost savings: Homegrown food is not only nutritious but also economical.

Cultivating your own garden is a simple yet powerful step toward a healthier, longer life. It’s not just about eating–it’s about sustainability, health, and respecting Mother Earth. Let’s grow together!

Join us in reshaping the future through community outreach, recycling, and self-sustainability. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things.

A green background with white letters and an orange dollar sign.



A green background with white letters and an orange dollar sign.


We always have a great time!
Shout out to our partners/sponsors:
Any additional Brands who Like To participate Next Time just DM internally.
Breaking The Stigma One Cleanup At A Time
Where Industry Meets Community.
🎥: @ibcbrand
#huntingtonbeach #orangecounty #beachcleanup #coastalcleanup #inspiredbycannabis #catalyst #bettertogether #bethechange #inspire #breakingthestigma
Currently coordinating our first one if you would like to get involved please contact us!

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Visits: 573