Dammmmmmmm its been a min got my phone back from n x ahahahah gotta keep up with u all
My parents that passed two weeks from each other. I ask GOD way they were took from here like that but GOD answered be thankful for the time I gave u all together some never get time with there loved ones…so my understanding is stay positive and b thankful cause it could b worse…
Lost my father then my mother with in two weeks of each other…
Please send prayers and positive thoughts my mother is at City of Hope cause kidney are feeling but she is a fighter
Thanks means alot to me n fuck Cancer we must learn to eat healthy think healthy n trust n the cannabis to suppress the growth of the cancer
yes man our diet is everything! They poison the food supply with metals and pesticides in the meats and vegetables… We 100% reccomend growing your own heirloom food from seeds and stay away from the grocery stores as much as possible and sugars! god bless my friend!
Laying my father to rest Friday n following week one of my best friends, but I must stay strong n set the example 💯…just as we need 2b n these ending days…
As a father I ask others what do they think of when they c this post? Trauma, brainwashing 🤔
Hope u all have a blessed Friday, we r blessed 2 have another day!💯
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yessir! and you now you can earn hush money by logging in daily and use it in the store towards items! just pay shipping!